The Entrepreneurs

Hessel Jongebreur
Hessel Jongebreur, Experienced CEO of technology start-ups with 2 succesfull exits (TyTecker 2005, Ephicas 2012) Yes!Delft board member 2005-2015 & co-founder Rif 010 . Advisory board several tech start-ups (2005-now) Member selection committee Yes!Delft & entrepreneur in residence. Chairman innovation Fund committee Rabobank Zuid-Holland-midden.

Jan van Kranendonk
Jan van Kranendonk, Mechanical/Process Engineer [graduated cum-laude with a 10, in Dec. 2011 TUDelft], two companies founded during study (Mobile gaming / Styrofoam cutting), Cofounder Sunuru 2011-2013, innovation-adviser to TNO, Argos oil, Eneco, BAM, Ultimaker, co-founder Venture Generator [2015-2016], started Peeeks & Dutch-Analytics.

Ulrich Starke
Ulrich Starke, Mechanical/Process Engineer [graduated Dec 2016 TUDelft], co-founded a marketing consultancy company during studies (2013-2015), co-founded the Blue Battery (2013-2015 now AquaBattery B.V.). Collaborated with the whole Venture Generator team and helped start Dutch-Analytics (2016).
Top Expert Advisers

Earl Goetheer
Principal Scientist TNO, Prof. Electrochemical Transformation of CO2

Bendiks Jan Boersma
Prof. Energy Technology, TU Delft

Leonard Schürg
Senior Industrial Designer

Wiebren de Jong
Prof. Energy Storage, TU Delft

Jos Oberdorf
Prof. Product Architecture Design & Partner NPK Design
NextGen HighTech
This project is made possible in part by a contribution from the NXTGEN HIGHTECH program of the National Growth Fund (Netherlands).
ZEF Student Team
A group of entrepreneurs, young & ambitious students (all levels) and technology experts working at the forefront of synthetic liquid hydrocarbon production systems.